For the past year Akshay Kumar's film Kesari was waiting for It was said that this film would be one of Akshay Kumar's best films.
Such claims were also being done because one of them was Akshay's film, the second was its story. Based on the real story of 21 Sikh soldiers fighting 10,000 Afghan soldiers.
This battle between 21 Sikh soldiers and 10,000 Afghan soldiers is considered to be one of the most brave battles in history. Almost the same, as did Jared Butler in 300. There is something similar in the film's film. There are also Parineeti Chopra in this movie but there are no quotes in the trailer.
If you want Akshay Kumar's passion in the trailer to fit in the same dialog, then it will be:
Such claims were also being done because one of them was Akshay's film, the second was its story. Based on the real story of 21 Sikh soldiers fighting 10,000 Afghan soldiers.
This battle between 21 Sikh soldiers and 10,000 Afghan soldiers is considered to be one of the most brave battles in history. Almost the same, as did Jared Butler in 300. There is something similar in the film's film. There are also Parineeti Chopra in this movie but there are no quotes in the trailer.
If you want Akshay Kumar's passion in the trailer to fit in the same dialog, then it will be:
मेरी पगड़ी भी केसरी, जो बहेगा मेरा लहू भी केसरी और मेरा जवाब भी केसरी'.
The film will be released on March 21. Here's the trailer: