How the Maya civilization ended.कैसे खत्म हुई माया सभ्यता

The Maya civilization was present on our earth thousands of years ago but for some reason this civilization ended. What is the secret of the end of the Maya civilization, the scientists have been engaged in trying to curtail this. A recent research has come out about this. It said that the end of the Maya civilization was due to continuous drought for more than 100 years. For this, the researchers analyzed the minerals taken from Marine Life Belize's Famous 'Blue Hole' and the lugus found around it. They found that between 800 and 900 AD there was a fierce drought, the same cause became the main cause of the end of the Maya civilization. According to the report of 'Live Science', there was a severe drought from 6th century to 10th century which destroyed the destruction of the Maya civilization.

What was the Maya civilization?
The Maya civilization is believed to have been before the Colombian Meso American civilization. Where in Mexico today there is a place called Yucatan, people of the Maya civilization used to live in a time. It is also called Meso-American civilization. The Maya civilization was located in Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras and Yucatán Peninsula. It was an important Mexican civilization. The civilization began in 1500 BC occurred in. It was quite progressive from 300 E to 800 E, and it gradually ended. The people of the Maya civilization were quite prominent in the field of arts, mathematics, architecture, astrology and writing. It is also called the golden age of artistic development. During this, farming and city development has taken place. The most notable buildings in this civilization are pyramids which they built in the form of religious centers. It is claimed that after 900 AD, these cities of maya civilization began to decline and the city started to empty. Researchers of this civilization have met the founders in Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras and Yucatán Peninsula.
The most important feature of the people of the Maya civilization was their astronomical knowledge. He created a calendar to keep records of various events, religious festivals and birth-related matters. The calculation of the Maya civilization and the ephemeris was called the Maya calendar. It was a year of 290 days. The dates in the Maya calendar were determined in three ways. Determination of the date was calculated through long counting, jalkin i.e. the divine calendar and the hub ie public calendar. On this basis, the people of the Maya civilization used to do predictions. The people of the Maya civilization believed that when the dates of their calendar end, there is a catastrophe on the earth and the beginning of a new era begins. The same Mayan calendar was predicted to be the end of December 21, 2012, but it proved to be wrong.
However, why the end of the Maya civilization, there are many opinion of the researchers. Some believe that this civilization collapsed due to foreign invasion or rebellion, some say that the civilization ended due to natural calamities like dry or pestilence.
What is the Blue Hole?

The Great Blue Hole is located near the Lighthouse Reef, about 70 kilometers from the city of Belize, the Caribbean Sea. This hole spread over an area of ​​300 meters (984 feet) is like a circle. About 124 meters (400 feet) deep this underwater sinkhole is one of the top 10 scuba diving destinations in the world. The beautiful marine life here is part of the Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System. It has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Significantly, the Great Blue Hole is part of the Cave system, which was built thousands of years ago due to the low sea level. After studying the minerals present here, the researchers discovered that this hole is 15 thousand years old. British Scuba Diver and author Ned Middleton named this place as 'Great Blue Hole'. Discovery Channel has considered it the most beautiful place in the world.
Relationship with Blue Hole
Recently, after studying the Big Blue Hole, scientists came to know about some important facts, which suggests that the myths related to the Blue Hole have a major role in the endings of the Maya civilization. Some evidence was found in the research of Rice University of Texas and Louisiana State University researchers. Scientists studied the color, size and thickness of the minerals found in the sinkhole. He compared it with the change in the nature of the time of the end of the Maya civilization, i.e. during the 9th and 10th centuries, the minerals (aluminum from titanium) They found that due to the increase and decrease in the quantity of these two minerals, there was too much rains in a particular area, so there was some drought.

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